3 Themes From Coaching Sessions This Week

3 big, beautiful themes showed up in my coaching sessions this week.


1) Turning Down the Dial

Regulating our nervous system to cultivate a sense of safety & self-kindness is SOOO helpful.

Our brains aren't great at solving problems when we are at a #10 anxiety level. 

They can't be creative when we are in full-on worry mode.

No matter whether we're going through a divorce or 10 years out...

Having a toolbox to reach into to help ourselves go from a stress response to a grounded, secure space is KEY.


2) How we talk to ourselves ABOUT OURSELVES matters

THREE TIMES this week clients shared the harsh words their ex's used to say to them and how these words still pop up in their heads.

👉 Someone else's words can turn into our inner critic.

It takes awareness to see those voices for what they are-- not ours. 

And for us to CHOOSE INTENTIONALLY what we want to believe about ourselves.


3) Questions are Transformational

I don't know what my clients should do in their lives. 

I don't know how they should spend their money, if they should move, if they should ask their ex for a schedule change...

But they do.

The questions I ask in a coaching session open doors they've never looked behind-- or never been brave enough to open on their own.

My questions have them testing their assumptions about “limits” in their lives.

My questions have them thinking bigger about themselves and their capabilities.

Sometimes my questions are scary because they ask us to explore worst-case scenarios.

Sometimes their brains don't want to answer the questions or open those doors because of what's behind them.

That's as helpful to find out as the answer to the question would be.

When we consider questions we've never asked before, we invite in something really new.


Any of these show up for you this week? I'd love to know if something rings true for you here. Feel free to drop me a note on my Contact page let me know!


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